Your Questions Answered

 Your questions answered

How Much Does it cost?

A standard weekly fee is £5.95 and to join in your 1st week its £5. You can buy a block of 6 weeks and pay for 5 weeks so you get a free week or 12 weeks for the price of 10 so 2 free weeks.

What Happens on my 1st night how do I join?

Just turn up at the beginning of the session I have a separate new member area where we can get you enrolled and I can talk you through the plan to get you off to a good start. There's a warm friendly welcome, everyone is very supportive and I know this can be hard walking in for the 1st time but rest assured you will be fine. After the 1st 30 minutes of going through the plan I will run through image therapy with members and at the end of this we can get your membership created and get you weighed and set a target. I will always do this for you and there is complete confidentiality.

Food Optimising

Our flexible healthy eating plan, Food Optimising, makes losing weight easy and enjoyable. There’s no calorie counting and no tiny portions — just healthy everyday foods you’ll find at the supermarket.

Free Food 

Free Food is your new best friend and the hero of every great Food Optimising plate. Free Food includes hundreds of everyday foods you can eat without counting, without weighing or measuring and without a shred of guilt. 


The foods that are least filling and are higher in calories, like biscuits, sweets and alcohol, count as Syns at Slimming World. Enjoying a little of what you fancy — like a piece of chocolate or a glass of wine.

How much does it cost?
Contact me for the latest joining offers



Per week

£5.65 if you're over 60

Simple pay as you go

6 Week Countdown


6 weeks for the price of 5

£28.25 if you're over 60

Save in 6 weeks blocks

12 Week Countdown


12 weeks for the price of 10

£56.50 if you're over 60

Gives the most commitment

Interested - come along to a friendly meeting!

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